Trip Finances
You decide to turn to some entrepreneurial ponies to help you find ways to finance your trip.

Country: Canada
Money Making Scheme:
Uppercase, lowercase, numbers, symbols! Remembering passwords these days is a real pain. I am sure someone will pay you a fee to help them remember all their passwords.

Country: Singapore
Money Making Scheme:
Everyone has items that they no longer need and which are cluttering up their homes. Perhaps we can set up a marketplace to let people sell these secondhand items, for a fee?

Country: Germany
Money Making Scheme:
People are so lazy these days. I bet if you can offer to buy their groceries – be it fresh produce, toilet paper, beers or snacks – these people will be more than happy to pay you!

Country: USA
Money Making Scheme:
If you have a good command of language, why don’t you charge people for proof-reading their reports and presentations? I am sure students would love your help to vet and improve the clarity of their essays. Office workers also want to make sure their reports appear more professional.

Country: UK
Money Making Scheme:
The pandemic has put a halt to physical conferences and networking events. If we can find a way for people to continue organising conferences and networking sessions, I am sure we will be in the money.

Country: USA
Money Making Scheme:
My idea is the same as the German’s – but I thought of it first!

Country: USA
Money Making Scheme:
I offer personalised therapy services to people who experience chronic or post-surgery musculoskeletal pains. My personalised therapeutic exercise programmes can even be carried out from the comfort of these patients’ homes!

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